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Thursday, February 20, 2014

April Conference

It's not too late to sign up for the Missouri Writers' Guild conference! Check out our amazing schedule at:

and checkout the interviews with our faculty at:


We also still have until March 1 for the writing contests. You don't have to attend the conference to enter, so if you are a Missouri Chapter or Guild member, polish up those pieces and send them in! The price is right and the bragging rights are awesome!

January 25 2014 Meeting

Donna gives her presentation on critique sessions

January 25 SEMO Writers’ Guild Minutes

Jan welcomed members back for a new year of meetings, and asked visitors to introduce themselves. Visitors included: Gary Case, Susie Ryan, Roy Meyer, Christa ?, and Marcie Upchurch.

2014 Officer Elections: This year, the current officers wanted to add a Historian/Web Coordinator to the list of positions. Also, the Secretary/Treasurer position will be divided into two separate positions—as noted in the original bylaws.

Reminder: The Missouri Writers’ Guild ‘Fifty Shades of Writing’ conference will be held April 11-13, 2014 in St. Louis. Check out the MWG website at: for details about faculty and workshops.

Anthology: The officers decided that the anthology would be a Print On Demand book this year. That way there will be not output of SEMOWG monies upfront. Donna stated she has the entries in InDesign, but the book isn’t ready for editing just yet.

Mini-Conference: Jan asked Mary Rechenberg, President of Heartland Writer’s Guild and SEMOWG member about getting together with the HWG to put together a mini-conference sometime this summer. Mary said that HWG meetings are held on the third Sunday of each moth from 2-4 p.m. at the Jackson Steck House on Washington Street.

Jan also mentioned that the ‘Memoir Writers’ group meets at the library and that maybe we could contact them to see if they would want to be included in the conference preparations.

Members were asked to provide feedback to officers as to what they would like to see presented at this conference. PLEASE SEND FEEDBACK TO SEMOWG email: Or send to Donna Essner at

Mary Rechenberg shared that there will be an Open Mic at the Coffee House and a booksigning at the Cape River Heritage Museum. She said she would let the library know of these presentations as well. Dates and times will be announced later.

News and Updates from Members – Marybeth Niederkorn will be presenting at the National Conference for Graduate Students in February. Mary Rechenberg won the Judges Pick for her literary essay recently. During a critique session at the November SCBWI Regional meeting, Donna Essner met with Regina Brooks of Serendipity Agency on her new novel. Miss Brooks stated she would like to see more when the novel is completed.

2014 Officer Elections

President – Donna J. Essner
Vice President – Rick Duniphan
Secretary – Samantha Deusinger
Treasurer – Laura Luttrell
Historian/Web Coordinator – Jan Cannon
Assistant Historian/Web Coordinator – Tom Neumeyer

Note: Jan Cannon was elected Vice President, but then declined so that she could run for the Historian/Web Coordinator position.

Speaker/Presentation: Donna Essner then presented a short talk on Critiques: A Necessary Evil?

She stated she will send out a signup sheet and the detailed information page to members on Critique Guidelines.

The meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting: Saturday, February 22, 2014. Lisa Miller, Walrus Publishing, LLC will be the speaker.

Southeast Missouri Website:

SEMOWG email:

Minutes respectfully submitted by
Donna J. Essner, Secretary/Treasurer (former)