What are you doing Saturday, July 19th?
Coming to the First Annual All Write Now! Conference, of course!
The first annual All
Write Now! Conference, co-sponsored by Southeast Missouri Writers’ Guild
and Heartland Writers Guild will be Saturday, July 19, 2014 at the Cape
Girardeau Library, 711 North Clark Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, from 9:15
a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
on the writing craft, a panel discussion by small press publishers, and pitch
sessions will take place throughout the day. Registration for the full day plus
lunch are included in the $50 registration fee. For an additional fee of $30,
registrants may sign up for a one-page, written-only critiques from any of the
Registration forms are at the All Write Now! Facebook page. For more information and to have forms sent
via email, contact: Donna J. Essner, Southeast MO Writers’ Guild president at djessner6@gmail.com. Put AWN CONFERENCE in the subject line.
Seating is limited.
Here's a link to the Facebook Page with all the up-to-the-minute information
including the downloadable registration form. REMEMBER: seating is limited and we have to order
lunch for everyone so submit your registration ASAP
We'll see you in July, all right?
All Write NOW!