February 22, 2014
SEMO Writers’ Guild Minutes
Donna Essner, president, opened the meeting with a greeting to all
members and visitors. An introduction
and acknowledgement of the new officers was made.
Reminders of the attendance sheet and of the refreshment sign-up were given.
Additionally, Donna reminded of the multiple writers’ conference contests and
recommended that each consider entering and stated that the location of
additional information regarding the same could be found at www.missouriwriterswguild.org. In addition, the conference was recommended
to everyone who could possibly attend, no matter the individual’s goals
regarding writing. Many workshops are available
for all interests.
A summer mini-conference in conjunction with the Heartland Writers
Guild was announced. Donna stated that a
committee would be created soon to be composed of both guild’s members. The committee would delegate duties and aid
in the creation of the workshop. Potential
dates were given. An update would be
given at the March SEMO Writers’ Guild meeting on March 29, 2014.
A reminder of the Basket Wars that takes place at the MWG conference
was given by Janet Cannon. Janet
discussed the previous basket the SWG prepared and asked for donations. Any item could be donated; no limitation.
Contact information for Lisa Miller was given as follows: Lisa.Miller@walruspublishing.com
Ms. Miller discussed how her company, Walrus Publishing, came to be,
which was out of desperation. She wrote
for years and all during her years at St. Louis University. Although she didn’t feel she was a good
writer she desired to write. Ms. Miller
became a technical writer but quickly became bored and disinterested. Publication became a huge interest and a
decision was made to invest in establishing own publication company.
Ms. Miller believed she could market her company locally as St. Louis
was a thriving location for writers but she was unsuccessful. She quickly realized that being “local”
simply means those with whom you network, not necessarily geographical location.

Ms. Miller gave the advice of keeping track of all your expenses if you
choose to self-publish and then weigh that against the cost of using a
publication company. As writers, a list
was created as to the “good,” “bad,”
and a “wish list” about the publishing
process. The choices are many and so an
educated decision should be made.
The SWG thanked Ms. Miller for her time and for her insight.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 with the announcement of a critique
meeting to be held immediately following. The date of the next monthly meeting
was announced as Saturday, March 29, 2014 beginning at 10:00 a.m., a change
from previous beginning time of 10:30 a.m.
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